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Welcome, I’m Sara. Nonfiction writer and design lover.

we need imagination for transformation and The future I’m looking toward fosters creativity, inclusive cultures and healthy environments.

One of my roles in creating that vision is periodically guiding passionate people writing powerful stories that will become the books of tomorrow we need.

I mentor values-led professionals writing their first nonfiction book, who want to be proud of what they create, for readers they care about.

Mentorship, when available, suits memoirists and practitioners with a body of knowledge — usually in the creative industries, business and work, healthcare or design — who welcome inquiry and reflection as they navigate the manuscript creation and editing process, and consider publishing options.

I love this work and bring my own values to it: curiosity, courage, wisdom, beauty and kindness.

Compelling and illuminating true stories encourage empathy and openness to change. They bolster our resilience and show us paths we didn’t know existed, when we're hurting or in need of hope. Sometimes their greatest service is making us laugh.

Making and sharing what matters to us can also be a transformative act. One of courage and joy.

That’s what I’m remembering, too, as I slowly shape another manuscript. Come along for the ride in my monthly-ish Notes from the Studio: a brief and beautiful mix of nonfiction reads, writing tips and other goodness. Grab your Notes here.

Signed, Sara